Day 20: I miss movies

I used to be a huge movie fan – especially really bad movies. From Justin to Kelly, anyone?

Seriously though, I love movies. When I was in middle school and high school my parents and I had this tradition of going to Blockbuster on Friday night. Each one of us got to pick out a movie and then we all watched them together. We would easily spend 30 minutes going down the aisles. I, of course, loved the new releases and my mom would always find some old movie that I just had to see! My dad made sure we checked out the action movies. It was a really fun tradition and I still miss it and Blockbuster!

I’ve used Netflix for movies, but they never have exactly what I want and I really do miss strolling the aisles of Blockbuster and discovering a really old classic. Aww… oh well.

BUT, I write about missing movies now because I have a baby. My husband and I have decided that we are “those” people who are serious about limiting screen time for our kid. At home, it’s pretty much zero. Occasionally we will show him a picture or video of himself and he used to facetime grandma before we moved. However, that’s it. We don’t watch TV and we certainly don’t watch movies. (When we go out and there’s a TV on, Lochlan is pretty interested initially, but he actually grows bored and moves on. Especially since we aren’t interested.)

Moving away from TV has saved us a lot of money and opened us up to have more conversation and time to do other things. We actually can’t imagine watching TV now. However, we do miss movies.

Sometimes you just want to sit down, cuddle under a blanket, munch on some snacks and watch a feel good movie. It’s fun and cheap: WIN!

We haven’t seen a movie together since he was born and there have been some movies released that I really want to see: Beauty and the Beast is the first that comes to mind, but I know I’ve heard of a few others as well.

My husband and I were actually talking about it the other day and we are going to try to sneak some movies in on the weekends after we put our kiddo to bed. (It’s tricksy and exciting!) Hahaha.

I guess this is life with kids and the choice to restrict screen time. We will eventually introduce media to our kiddo and we are super excited to share movies with him, we just feel really compelled to stick to the current recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics on screen time and media. Click here to check them out if you’re interested.

Anyway, here’s to catching some good movies cuddled up to my hot husband! Send me your top picks of movies we should check out!